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The Shakti Collective



The Shakti Collective is a storytelling collective that celebrates and highlights the stories of different people across the globe who are creating impact within digital accessibility!

“I find this story valuable because I became very disheartenred as my accessibility work was depriortirized. It was helpful to remind me that this is possible.” - PM, start-up

The Shakti Collective logo, with ‘A’ and ‘I’ highlighted.

The Shakti Collective logo, with ‘A’ and ‘I’ highlighted.



As someone who identifies as a person with a disability, Nandita founded the Shakti Collective to highlight and showcase the power of storytelling in digital accessibility.

The idea was conceived during her journey within accessibility, where she wanted to connect with other people within the field to learn more about their stories. It started with one conversation, and as she spoke to more people within the field, she realized that there was a need to provide an accessible platform where people could learn about the work others were doing within digital accessibility and create connections within the community.

“Leadership is not only about leading a team—sometimes it means being a voice for others who are not being heard.” – Nandita

She wants this collective to be a platform for people to be heard, and hopefully, inspire more people to speak up and take up the mantle to push the limits for inclusion and empower everyone through technology!



Youtube video that discuss the Shakti Collective


This is an ongoing effort and we are currently interviewing Industry leaders within accessibility to share stories and insights from their experiences!

Read the stories at the Shakti Collective Stories and contact us to share your own accessibility journey!